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Well, this week, Dale and I, along with our lead team, are gearing up for our annual marriage conference called Together at the Springs! We absolutely love this weekend because of the lives we have seen changed and the marriages we have seen saved, strengthened and salvaged for the glory of God!

In America today, we have a statistic of 50% of people that marry this year will end in divorce. This includes the Church! 50% of Christian marriages will end in divorce. Wow. Have mercy, Jesus.

What does that tell us? That just because you go to church, doesn't mean you are exempt from divorce. Just because you are both Christians doesn't make you exempt from divorce. Just because you exchanged vows, have been married for a long time, or have been married for a short time, you are not exempt from the possibility of divorce.

We live in a fallen world, where if we are not careful, very careful, we will allow the mindsets around us to infiltrate our lives. Those lies will take us down a road we never intended to go, stay there longer than we expected, and have a hard time finding our way back home.

Am I saying this to make way for fear? God forbid! This isn't to open a door to fear, it is an encouragement and admonishment to not be lured away and made sleepy to the sly and cunning way of our adversary. Spiritual drowsiness can lead to destruction. Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).

Spiritual drowsiness can lead to destruction

Guard your heart. Guard your life. Guard your marriage.

How do we do that? We invest the same amount of time and effort that we do in every other relationship. Do you go to women's retreats? Do you send your children to kid's camps? Together is an opportunity for you and your spouse to get away with other couples and grow your marriage...invest in you marriage...guard your marriage....protect your marriage...and keep your marriage on the road to fulfillment, not to divorce.

Together at the Springs is this weekend, February 26-28. Do whatever it takes to get there.

Hope to see you there.

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