Thank you for your interest in helping us promote the Deeper Retreat!
We believe God is going to move in a mighty way and
we are honored that you would like to be a part of it all!
If you would like to promote The Deeper Retreat with your church or ministry,
please email us at deeperretreat@daleandjena.com and a member of our team
would love to help you with your promotional needs!
There are some simple ways anyone can promote The Deeper Retreat:
Like and Share the Living Deeper Ministries Facebook Page
Take the time to like our Facebook Page! Then share it with your Facebook friends! This is the best place for people to get information about The Deeper Retreat! We will be having a lot of fun on the Facebook page as we approach the retreat, not to mention that this is the easiest way for you to promote the event!
Hashtag Coming Soon!
We will use an official hashtag to discuss The Deeper Retreat conference on Social Media. This way we can all be connected as we promote the event. This hashtag will work across all Social Media accounts! Check back for our hashtag soon!
Word of Mouth
We cannot express our thanks for the way people get the word out about Living Deeper Ministries by simply sharing it with people The Lord brings into their path. This is a great way to not only share about the Deeper Retreat but also practice hearing The Lord and being obedient as He brings people into your path to share with!​
One of the most important ways we can promote this event is to promote it through prayer! We believe in the power of prayer and can think of no better way to prepare for The Deeper Retreat than to cover it in prayer!