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Sharpening in the Season

In recent days, I have seen quite a few T-shirts that say "Mom Boss" on them. They are cute with jeans or shorts, but are they doing much more than weighing many down with the pressure to produce the perfect kid? Or at the least, the pressure to give the impression that they have this "mom" thing under control?

In truth, as a Mom, there were many days that I felt alone in this calling of motherhood. I felt like I was the only one struggling. I felt unappreciated for all that I did. There were days when I just wanted to check out for a little while and get myself together. I often felt more like a cop than a mother, because every other word was "Stop!" "Go!" or "No!"

The encouragement I received, and have even given, is "It's just a season." But is it really just a season, or is it to be a way of life that God continuously molds and develops in me? I was a physical mom to two amazing kids. I am now a "honey" to an amazing grandson. But I am forever to be a spiritual mother.

I am forever to be a spiritual mother.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says this, "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."

The commandment was this: love God with all your heart, your soul, and your strength.

Scripture uses the word "impress" this commandment on your children. This word refers to a whetstone. A whetstone is what a person would use to sharpen a knife or sword. What is the Word telling us to do?

We are to be putting a spiritual edge on our children. This doesn't mean making them edgy, educated, or experts, but rather kind, good, and loving in word and deed. It means that you mold them to become such a light, that their lives pierce through the darkness. That their love for God is so evident in the way that they love others well. And they best learn this as you simply practice it in front of them.

This is how the Father is "mothering" you. Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-16 that You are the Light of the World. In John 1:5 Jesus is described as the Light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. The Father is "mothering" you to have such a spiritual edge, that you are sharp enough to cut through the darkness and be the Light and Love of Jesus. He modeled it all through the Scriptures, and empowers us through His Spirit to live it out.

For just moment, I want you to think about how the Father "mothers" you. Then, I want you to think about how you can mother your children, both physical or spiritual, in that same way. The way you mother your children is to reflect how the Father mothers you. Your children will learn how the Father mothers them by the way you mother them. Weighty, but not heavy. Simply receiving and reflecting.

The best moms are the ones who are taking their children by the hand and carrying them into the depths of the Father's heart, where they find His authentic love and learn how to give it away.

What are some practical ways the Lord has given you to spiritually sharpen your children?

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