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Updated: Aug 31, 2021

I have been searching for words to describe this past weekend, because I wanted to convey all that happened, both externally and internally, in a way that those who were not there could grasp just a small morsel of what we experienced. After sitting this morning with Jesus, I don’t think that there are any words that could ever fully describe what we experienced. You literally just had to be there. His Presence is something to be experienced, because it can never be adequately conveyed.

In this picture, you may simply see a tattered, old piece of paper. For me, it has been a promise from/of God, that I have held onto tightly for over 20 years.

Isaiah 55:11-13 “My Word which goes forth from My mouth will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. And you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. This transformation will be evidence of the Lord, for an everlasting sign which will not be cut off.”

The Lord spoke to me in July 2006, “I am calling out a remnant of people who will follow Me.” I have waited and waited for that to be fulfilled. I have searched for real, authentic, sold out, humble, servant leaders who were “all-in” with Jesus. I have begged for like-minded women who were more concerned with honoring and obeying Father more than performance and approval of man. I have cried because of the loneliness I have felt in ministry because it seemed like I was alone in the call to truly disciple women. But this weekend? This weekend changed it all.

You see, I had allowed doubt to creep in. Doubt most often leads to discouragement and discouragement to deception. And deception often leads to disobedience. I began to doubt if Living Deeper Ministries was ever going to be more or reach more than it currently was. That led to great discouragement. But the deceiver, though he tried on multiple occasions, could not convince me that what I KNEW God said would not one day become reality.

At a point where I was ready to put Living Deeper Ministries down, I felt this tug to “try this one more time”. God brought 12 ladies together whose hearts were instantly connected because of the Spirit of God inside of them, and the seeds of redemption began to spring up! Redeeming the fight and struggle to drag people along! Redeeming the loneliness that Ministry brings. Redeeming the call for Living Deeper Ministries to enlighten, encourage, equip, and empower women to walk with GOD and take others with them. But above all, redeeming the deep desire of my heart to obey the command of God and co-mission of Jesus to GO and Make Disciples of all nations!!!!

The women God is pulling together are the remnant. They are authentic, the real deal. They love sincerely, unconditionally, like Jesus. They know they are not perfect but unashamedly profess and declare about the One who is. They have the Great Commission in the forefront of their lives as both a calling and command of God. And because of that, they wholeheartedly are joining together to create a Sisterhood within Living Deeper Ministries that I believe God will multiply exponentially in the days ahead. The Sisterhood of Living Deeper Ministries is desperately needed in this season and I hope you will join us! To find out more, email me at

YOUR first step is to join us for The Deeper Retreat so that you can get a taste of what we experienced together this past weekend. Come alone and find yourself some lifelong friends. Invite a group of women from your church, job, or community; or bring your small group!!! I’m just telling you: you don’t want to miss it! You need this whether you believe me or not! Whether you know it or not, Jesus is soon to return and He is calling together His remnant to make us ready and to gather and disciple others for His return!!! So choose to join us and jump ALL IN! And if after a year, you haven’t grown Deeper in your relationship with the Lord, we can all quit! But I am completely confident that your life will be changed if you’d be all in with Him!

What is the promise that God has spoken to you? Has it grown stale or dry as the years have passed? Have you been tempted to doubt and become discouraged? Maybe you need to be reminded of Isaiah 55:11-13 today.

I woke up and a friend had texted that verse to me, another friend had posted it on her story and another prophetic voice that resonates with me wrote a blog about this Scripture!!! You think the Spirit is trying to speak???!!!!

As I read all of this, my takeaway was this: the Word that God spoke to you has seemed like a breakdown, but God is about to have a showdown with the enemy who is trying to diminish and destroy so that breakthrough can come. What seems like a Ministry “miscarriage” is a set up for monumental miracles!!!

I am so very grateful for God’s kindness to us. For the way He sees us and speaks so sweetly to our hearts to remind us that He sees us. He knows and feels our deep longings. And His call on our life is irrevocable. I am so grateful for the women, the sisters, He is pulling together for such a time as this. So so grateful.

I love you, sisters,


What are you waiting for? Join us! Register right now for The Deeper Retreat by clicking HERE!!!

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