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Montana: Day Three

Writer's picture: Jena ForehandJena Forehand

I woke up this morning with a song playing in my head. Have you ever done that? Could it be that that was the song heaven sang over you while you slept? Could it be that it is the song that needs to be pressed into with the Holy Spirit, to give you revelation and insight as

You fellowship with Him?

Here are the lyrics to the song "I want Jesus":

I Want Jesus - Jesus Image & John Wilds

Oh I want Jesus

Oh I want Him

Oh only Jesus

Take this world and give me Him (X2)

No more mixture

Give me the God of the scriptures

No more idols or lesser loves

No substitute will ever do

There's nothing more, I'll ever pursue

Oh I want Jesus

Oh I want Him

Oh only Jesus

Take this world and give me Him

I surrender

Till my heart grows tender

You're my treasure

My greatest cause

No substitute, will ever do

There's nothing more, I'll ever pursue

Oh, I want Jesus

Oh, I want Him

Oh only Jesus

Take this world and give me Him

I have decided to follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus

Take this world and give me Him

Click here to worship with this song:

So here's what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me's this word "mixture". "No more mixture." Did you know that God has some things to say about this?

(Deuteronomy 22:9-11) “You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed, or all the produce of the seed which you have sown and the increase of the vineyard will become defiled. You shall not plough with an ox and a donkey together. You shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together.”

The vineyard is the Church, and the seed is the Word of God. He says not to mix His Word with any other opinions, teachings, practices or philosophies. He wants only the pure, unadulterated Word of God, the Truth, growing inside of us. The mixture results in a "crop failure" and there will be no real or lasting fruit.

The ox is those sent out to serve, apostles. They serve out of love and devotion. A donkey is made to serve out of duty. He lacks discernment and spiritual understanding. This is religion mixed with relationship. This is works for salvation, mixed with works from salvation.

Linen is an expensive fabric that is pure and represents the righteous acts of the saints empowered by the Holy Spirit. Wool is an itchy, cheaper fabric made from multiple things, that keeps us lukewarm. Sometimes makes us uncomfortable. God doesn't want His people to "cover themselves" with both Jesus and worldliness. There mus be no mixture between Truth and worldliness in our daily lives.

A ship in water is okay, but water in a ship is not.

In John 19:39, Nicodemus brought a mixture to Jesus. Many believe is was a mixture of myrrh and aloe. His struggle was because he was raised to believe that the Law and works saved a man, religion. Now, he meets Jesus at night because He preaches grace and love, through relationship with Jesus. Myrrh is a plant that the more crushed it is, the more fragrant it becomes. Aloe is a plants that soothes.

Song of Songs 7:2 speaks of the woman's waist like a goblet with no mixture. Ephesians 6 tod us to put in the Belt of Truth. No mixture.

In Matthew 27:34, Jesus hung in a cross and was offered a mixture of "wine and gall", most likely vinegar and some kind of anodyne (for pain) and He rejected it. It was a mixture that the Roman government often used. But the Kingdom of Heaven is governed not by Law but by love and grace.

So what do we do about what is revealed? We ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where there is mixture and remove it from our lives.

The Temple was made of pure gold on the outside and flowed pure oil on the inside. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

"Pure" means "without mixture".

Look up all the Scriptures you can find on "pure and purity and purify", and see what the Lord reveals to you about no mixture.

Finally, 2 Corinthians 7:1 says, "Therefore, since we have these promises,dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

The time is now more than ever to be without mixture. For those without mixture will see God in fresh, new and deeper ways.

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Jena Forehand
Jena Forehand

I feel very blessed



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