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What Are You Waiting For?

Imagine with me for a moment: Let’s say Dale and I went to a restaurant to have a nice dinner together. When we got there, the host seated us and pointed to our waiter. We kept waiting for our waiter to come take our drink orders, but he never came. We waited and waited, while he just leaned against the wall with his napkin across his arm. He was ready to serve…perfectly capable of serving. He was probably not the perfect waiter, but was certainly equipped to know how. Finally, Dale went over to him and said, “What are you doing?” And the waiter said, “I’m waiting. That’s what waiter’s do.”

Most of us would think this was absurd, to think that a waiter would stand back and not do anything because he was waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for someone else to do it? Waiting to be told what to do? Waiting to have enough knowledge, courage, or ability? He had a misunderstanding of what being a waiter was all about.

God has an incredible, personally unique purpose for you…and only you can accomplish it. He has a pathway to help you find and fulfill that purpose. He may have given you friends who can help you get there. Or, you may be well on your way, and others need you to help them find and fulfill their purpose.

So, may I ask you, “What are you waiting for?”

When Paul was sharing about his encounter with Jesus, this is what Ananias came to him and said, “The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and hear Him speak. For you are to be His witness, telling everyone what you have seen and heard. What are you waiting for?(Acts 22:14-16a)

Are you waiting to get more knowledge, because you are not smart enough to lead another? Are you waiting to get more “perfect”, because you think you have to get it all together to lead? Are you waiting to overcome your insecurities and inferiorities, which have held you back from your purpose for years?

God is calling us to get back on the pathway and take some others with us. The most exciting journey you could ever be on, is the journey of walking with God and letting Him reveal and ready you to fulfill the purposes for which you were created. There is great joy when you are born, but there is no greater joy than knowing why!

There is great joy when you are born,

but there is no greater joy than knowing why!

God has revealed the pathway through His Word: rescue, restore, redeem and realize. It’s peppered throughout the Scriptures from the story of Moses and the Israelites, to Joseph, to Paul! Exodus 6:6-8 describes the pathway: RESCUE:I will bring you out” (salvation: taking people out of Egypt, the bondage of sin);RESTORE:I will free you from slavery” (sin nature out: getting Egypt out of you); REDEEM:I will redeem you” (something bigger: pain becomes passion, misery becomes ministry, abilities become anointing, and personality becomes productive); REALIZE:I will take you as My own…I will bring you to the land I swore to you” (walking in intimacy with God and fulfilling your personal purpose)

And God gave me a series of studies to help move us down that path to find and fulfill our purpose! Through the Living Deeper Series, we can know the LOVE of the One who leads us down this path, how to CONNECT with people who can help you get down the path, how to FIGHT the enemy and the obstacles he places in our path, how to FOCUS on hearing God’s voice more clearly so we can follow Him more fully down the path, how to become the YOU He made you to be on the path, how to be FREE to live abundantly in the path, and how to GROW in intimacy with the Father as He helps us fulfill our purpose!

So what ARE you waiting for? Get started on the pathway today! Or better yet, get some people started on the pathway! Women are longing to know their purpose and the pathway to get there! Grab a group of your co-workers, friends in your neighborhood, or at your church, start a small group, and go through the studies together. Don’t wait for someone else to take the lead. Don’t wait until you “have it all together”…no one does! And don’t wait until you are smart enough. The whole goal is to grow together. If you act like you know it all, then you make others feel pressured to have to do the same.

God is calling you out into deeper waters, maybe even positioning you to take others with you. Go for it! Trust Him! I double dog dare you! Don't wait any longer! Jump in! And get ready for an awesome adventure with Him!

In January, 45 women will grab a tribe of friends and go through the FREE study together, all over this nation...and we would love for you to join us!! If you would be interested, send me an email to and we will give you the information you need to join us!!! Let’s makes our mark together!!!

You are loved,


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12 déc. 2020

Amen! And Amen! Thank you Jena! The more I I’ve gotten planted in His house and served Him using my gift, the more He has rescued, healed, and restored my heart from grace to grace! And The more I’ve come to realize His love and plan for me!

“We can’t wait” to do the Free study!! So excited ! Thank you God! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit!!

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