During the week of Easter, I felt very impressed by the Lord that the days approaching Pentecost would be very important. Pentecost is 50 days after Easter and is the day in which the Spirit of God fell on Jesus’ disciples, empowering them to go into the world making more disciples.
Pentecost comes from the Greek word that means “fiftieth”. Also known as the Feast of Weeks or Firstfruits, it was on this special Holy day that God first poured His Holy Spirit upon about 120 believers who gathered that day (Acts 1:15,2). They became the firstfruits of God’s spiritual harvest.
How interesting it is that the number “30” means “sacrifice” and “20” means “atonement altar”. Jesus had to offer Himself a sacrifice on the altar in order for the Holy Spirit to be available to us. 30+20=50!
50 represents deliverance and freedom. On the 50th year, on Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement, Israel declares this a Jubilee Year and all debts are settled. All is forgiven. Laborers were set free! (Side note: the next Jubilee year is 2025…will Jesus return then?!!!!)
I believe God is calling us to take the 50 days prior to Pentecost and ask His Spirit to reveal anything that is oppressing us. Anything that needs to go, in order to make more room for Himself in us. We need some personal deliverance and freedom.
I also believe that God is calling us to pray for our cities in this same way.
What God does, satan tries to mimic. God sends His followers to various locations in the world to carry the Kingdom and set it up wherever they are sent. The enemy sends out demons to try to take territory for his kingdom. These territorial spirits are lurking all over our cities. Just take a minute and look around.
So, I am asking you to join me in praying for deliverance and freedom for Christians, for the Church, and for our cities, so that Jesus may be preached, exalted, and the Kingdom of God can take over our cities!!!
Below is a prayer guide if you’d like to use it.
Let’s be a clean and pure vessel that God can use in this next season. (Proverbs 25:4) Let’s be a people of prayer, who break down the strongholds in our cities and take back the territory that is God’s! Let’s prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come in even more power in our cities, states and nations!!! Lets begin to be laborious in spreading the love and light of Jesus!!! Let’s begin to see fruit from our labor!!! It’s why we are here, Christians!! Let’s do this!!!
And don’t forget that we will begin our summertime online study in May!!!
Amen! Just what I needed on Faithful Friday! God is always faithful and on time!! God bless each one of you amazing ladies who read this blog! God bless you Jena and Dale and may He open up the closet of blessings and pour out an abundance of blessings on your life and ministries!!