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Past Due

In my time with the Lord, I was thinking about being "all in" this year of 2023, and what that really implies.

When I go to the store and I purchase an item, I give them cash and I expect them to give me the sum of what is due me. Or if I bought something online or through a credit card, I would expect to receive in full all that I ordered.

Think about how you might respond if you had paid cash at the store and didn’t get the correct change….

Think about how you might respond if you paid online and yet never received your package….

In our justice but also in our selfishness and pride, we want what is due us. We even fight for what is due us. We say, “It’s only fair that I get what is due me!”

And let's not even talk about how upset we get when things are past due!!!

Jeremy Riddle wrote a song on his album “Live in the Prayer Room” called “Jesus, Have It All”. I would encourage you all to listen to this worship compilation. It is powerful.

In the song, Jeremy wrote these words: “Jesus, have Your worth, Your due, Your sum.” It gripped my heart.

What is Jesus worthy of? What is due Him? What is His sum?


Everything is what He is due.

He is worthy of it all. All of our life. All of our days. All of our allegiance. All our love is due Him. The sum total of our existence is for Him. For HIM!

Blessing, honor, glory, and power belong to the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb forever and always.” Revelation 5:13

He is worthy of it all. All of our life. All of our days. All of our allegiance. All our love is due Him. The sum total of our existence is for Him. For HIM!

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25

So, every time we purchase anything in the days to come, I pray we are all reminded that Jesus paid it all and all to Him we owe. I think what He is owed is past due. Let's together recommit ourselves fully to Him.



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