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Out of the Shadows

The other day, I grabbed my old brightly striped lounge chair and went outside to sit in the sun. It was a beautiful day and I just felt “drawn” outside. Maybe I needed a little vitamin D!

As I sat there, I began to notice that though the sky was a beautiful blue, it was quite cloudy! These big billowing, fluffy white clouds were everywhere! And not only were they everywhere, but they would block the sun! Now, I know that you can still get sun even through the clouds but just hang with me here!

My amazingly stupendous grandson came by the next day, and I like to just stand back and watch him. He is so beautiful and loved! As a two year old, he had discovered his shadow. It was the sweetest in his wonderment and amazement as he watched his shadow move when he moved. So cute!

I woke up this morning with a song in my head. A line in that song says, “shine through the shadows”. I mean, when the Lord is speaking, He will make certain You know it!! So, I began talking with the Lord about shadows. “What are you trying to teach me, Lord?”

He said, “Shadows are only caused when something is blocking the light.” Whew.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and sat down to have some time with the Lord and I picked up our Proverbs reading for the day. There, as big as life: “Lovers of God walk on the highway of Light, and their way shines brighter and brighter until they bring forth the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18

When we begin to walk in the higher places of revelation application (wisdom), seated in Christ at the right hand of God, our path and the journey on that path are more and more illuminated for us to see and for others to see until we reach our ultimate perfect day in eternity, because nothing is blocking us from the Light!

Do you see it? As long as you walk where obstacles of people, circumstances, abrupt interruptions, and demonic attacks get in between you and the LIGHT, you live in the shadows. You may be getting some of your way illuminated but there’s still so much that is foggy and uncertain. But, when we stay seated in heavenly places in Christ at the right hand of the Father, we are so high that there is nothing blocking the LIGHT! We can see clearly and get clarity on our path!! We can get our eyes fixed on eternity! It will be SO bright that not only will we see clearly but others will see Light radiating from us!

”Those who look to Him are radiant.” Psalm 34:5

We will be like Moses who would come

out of the tent of meeting, and his face would glow with the glory of God so much so that he had to wear a veil.

“But we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Every light casts a shadow, but if you are standing in the Light of Christ with no obstacles in between, the only shadow is behind you and it is a perfect reflection of Jesus shining through you.

So, where are you living? Seated in Christ Jesus at the Father’s right hand? Or down in the chaos and difficulties of the earth that constantly block His Light from you?

What or Who are the obstacles that seem to knock you off of your game? That constantly block His Light? What can you begin to do to overcome those obstacles and get to the higher place?

Remember who you are.

Remember Whose you are.

Don’t get caught up in earthly and fleshly affairs.

Constantly stay in communion with your Father, and ask Holy Spirit to empower you to respond in a way that leaves no regret, no room for accusation or blame or recourse. And finally, pray, surrender it into His hands, and worship Him. There’s no better place anyway than there. He’ll take care of it.

“You are never late, even when the sun is hiding. You never hesitate, You have perfect timing. And even in the wait, You hold on tightly. It's reason enough for me, it's reason enough for me.

Out of the shadows, into tomorrow You don't wait for sunrise, You will move at midnight. And out of my worry, nothing but worship. I won't wait for sunrise, I will praise at midnight.” Midnight by Rita Springer

Beloved, come out of the shadows and take your place at His right hand, into His marvelous Light.

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