I woke up today to hearing of dear friends who were sick and began praying and warring for them. Worship is a part of that. Worship is warfare because it reminds the enemy that he is nothing compared to our God!
As we went on a four hour hike, I saw how the snow had just topped the mountains. We had no snow, but there was plenty dusting the mountaintops with white. It was so beautiful!
This morning, as I woke to texts of sickness and hospitals and surgeries, I kept hearing "Crown Him King of Kings". I quickly jumped on my music to find this song. The greatest warfare song we can sing is declaring Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
A hymn we sang so often "Crown Him with many crowns" rings in my ears and heart, and "bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of Lords". To crown means "to declare someone monarch and champion; to cover". A diadem is a crown and represents a set apartness, consecrated.
Psalm 8:5 says "For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honour." This word means "bestowed". God has bestowed upon US honor and glory. We get to glorify Him with our lives by allowing who He is to pour from us! "Christ in you the hope of glory!"
So, when I saw the beauty of the snow crowning the mountains of Montana, I am reminded to daily crown Jesus King of Kings over my life and heart, and to crown Him Kong of Kings over ALL. To remind the enemy of his defeat. And then, to be reminded that He has crowned us to be an ambassador for Him, and to take that privilege and responsibility seriously.
And just as a reminder, Jesus is returning! He is coming again! And that day is approaching very soon! And He shall reign forever and ever! “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.” Revelation 11:15
Whatever you face today, crown Jesus king over it. Declare Him King over it. He will take His rightful place over it, and the enemy will also have to take his place under our feet.
Creation declares the glory (essence) of God. Look to the hills from whence comes your help. As snow crowns the mountains, may we crown Him King and Lord of it all.