There is nothing worse than having a keyring full of keys and you not knowing which one works which door! Is it just me, or do you find yourself getting so frustrated because you have to try EVERY SINGLE KEY until one fits? And isn't it almost ALWAYS the last key you try? For a minute, you feel like the royals trying to find Cinderella based on her glass slipper!!!
Today, I jumped into our study in the book of Proverbs. Already, in just the first chapter and the first 7 verses, there is SO much!!!! When we make ourselves open and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal Truth to us, He will surely do it! So for me today, the Spirit highlighted several things but specifically the word "keys". "Use them (words of wisdom) as KEYS to unlock treasures of true knowledge." Proverbs 1:2 TPT
I was immediately reminded that in 2014, the year I started Living Deeper Ministries, I was invited to lead a women's event in Weatherford, Texas. As I prayed and prepared, the Lord reminded me that the number "4" meant "door". The Lord said, "This is the year of the open door." and I shared that in our time together. And boy, was that the truth! The Lord began opening doors right and left for ministry opportunities for SO many that attend that women's conference, taking many to new places, new churches, new seasons, and new purposes that they may have not discovered had God not opened doors in some interesting but unmistakable ways! One of my friends who decorated the event actually gave me an antique doorknob that to this day still sits on the shelf in my office to remind that God is the One who opens and shuts doors. "...Who opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors no man can open." Revelation 3:7 Access to your Heavenly Father is granted by the power and authority of Jesus!!!

And yet, the Proverbs Scripture tells us that we have some KEYS to unlock the treasures of true knowledge. This word "knowledge" in the original King James is "know" and is the Hebrew word "yada" which means intimacy. So, while Jesus has the authority to open doors to deeper intimacy with the Father, growing in wisdom (application of revelation) are the keys we are able to use to unlock those doors. Don't get this confused with your access to the Father. Through Jesus, you have been given full access to the Father... but deeper intimacy is ever increasing as you grow in obedient devotion to God.
Keys, then, are pretty important. They open a door that was previously closed. Sometimes when we have closed doors before us, we can feel anxious, because we have no idea what's on the other side. Here's the beautiful promise of walking through these doors of wisdom: deeper intimacy!!! These doors then, bring anticipation, not angst! And we can be assured of this, once that deeper intimacy door has been opened by our applied revelation, that door can never be shut by any man! This is so very personal, just between you and God. No other man can touch the intimacy you share! That gives me a confidence to press use the keys given to me for an even more intimate relationship with God that is guaranteed on the other side of the door!
"And I will give you the KEYS of the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 16:18. Jesus is the Keeper of the KEYS. He has the power to open and to shut. This word "keys" in this Scripture denotes power and authority given to every believer. Jesus has already given us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. We have full access to "everything you need for life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3 ). But greater intimacy and (let me add) anointing comes when there is such a deep devotion to the Lord that we would obey His Word.
So let's lay hold of the KEYS the Lord offers us to deeper intimacy! The quickest pathway to reign in life, is wisdom. Obedient devotion to it holds the keys to deeper intimacy and thus, deeper authority to reign in life!
"No one can touch the intimacy I share with God." It's just between He and I. WOW!! Thank you, Jena for this truth. I never thought of it like this before. What a comfort it is knowing my keys are safe and secure and can be used for a deeper more intimate relationship with with my Abba. 💗
Lord, thank you for saving us. Thank you for the keys to the kingdom of heaven! May we pick them up and use them, May we all walk in more intimacy with you! Thank you that you give us everything we need in this life! Thank you for creating us and loving us and wanting us!!! Holy Spirit fill us ladies and may we fall in love with you more and obey you and rule & reign with you to bring others to you! Have your way in our lives! Thank you Jesus! amen and amen and amen! Thank you Jena for your obedience and perseverance to fight the good fight To take others down the path of healing …