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Happy New Year: my 2021 address

This is what the Lord has been speaking to me about this next year. I share it with you to encourage you, and to affirm anything the Lord has been saying to you, as well.

In 2019, the Lord began teaching me about eagles. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but pressed in to learn. (I have discovered much from this and eagles became my teaching for the FREE DVD teaching!)

The Lord has also been speaking to me about what has happened in the Church. In John 1:14 it says that Jesus came with both grace and truth. Salvation happened in the Church, but no freedom and deliverance followed, to get rid of the “residue” from before our new birth. There was no closing of the doors that had been opened in our lives before coming to Christ. Still carrying the weight of unequal and ungodly yokes on our shoulders, we are still being led by the flesh... our soul calling the shots instead of the Spirit. It has caused us to try to do the Christian life on our own, elevating legalism, religion, elitism, and judgement. We grabbed hold of truth without the love and grace by which it was given to us.

This way of doing things has caused so many to walk away from the Church because they saw no love, no grace in it. The next generation took to the streets with love and acceptance but with no truth. Truth is God's perimeters within which we are to live that provide protection and abundant life. Because truth was shoved down the throat, instead of ministered in love, truth has been rejected, and grace has overtaken society with no truth. This has resulted in moral decay. The Lord said we must surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, allowing the Spirit to lead. We must get back to approaching the Bible from love, in love, to be lived out by love.

In December, the Lord told me to read Isaiah. So many things were highlighted to me: God is calling out a remnant of people who will follow Him. Yokes must be broken: specifically the yoke of the Assyrians (selfish reasoning). The prophecy of Jesus coming and bringing in a new way of governing. The highway of holiness. (Our kids had even encouraged us to watch The Mandelorian and the lead in the show kept saying, "this is the way"!) Finally, I have heard and seen “bride” several times.

Three different times I have read someone discussing Isaiah 40:31 “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Interesting that it says you run and then walk. Not the other way around.

December 22nd, I heard the Lord say, “The King is Coming”. It was as clear as could be. I cried. I asked the Lord what exactly it meant. It was confirmed by another leader days later who said he heard the Lord say the same thing as he was walking into his kitchen.

As I have asked how all of this comes together, I believe this is what the Lord is inviting us to focus on in 2021:

The King is Coming, so we must become a Bride who has made herself ready. We must break the yokes that have held us back from living free and fly higher like an Eagle, soaring on the higher ways of holiness in His presence. We must receive and give the love of God sincerely to those around us. As we press into this way, we are going to see an acceleration in the Spirit to help us run to catch up with Him and walk with Him so closely again.

2021 is 5781 on the Hebrew Calendar. 5 is Grace, particularly the blessing of the Holy Spirit empowering us. 7 is the Word of God maturing us. 80 is our mouth to speak to what we have seen. And 1 is unity. This is a year where we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word like never before so we can mature and walk in holiness, speaking to what we are experiencing and seeing. This is the year of Unified Pursuit to become His Bride.

This is the year of Unified Pursuit to become His Bride.

There have been talks of a “global reset”. I believe God is calling His Church to a Spiritual Reset.

“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. “

The Spirt and the bride say ‘come’.

“Yes, I am coming soon. “ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22:12-14; 17; 20

I have never been more convinced that we are right where we are supposed to be as we head into 2021! I am sure that we are to go through the FREE study and break off the yokes, so that we can pursue the way of holiness to get us ready as a Bride. If you’d like to join a group of women going through the study, order your book and DVD at and we will begin this journey together, posting blogs, videos and Scripture to encourage us along the way.

I am entering a time of 21 days of prayer and fasting. Fasting is "fasting from the world and feasting on God". Fasting in January is a way to give God your first. Matthew 6:33 says "Seek first the Kingdom", and how often we are encouraged in the Scriptures to give of our first fruits. If you have never fasted and would like to know more, I recommend "Fasting" by Jentzen Franklin. I would also encourage you to read "The Blessed Life" by Robert Morris to learn more about firsts.

I encourage you to print this out, pray over it, talk with Father God about it and see if He confirms this in your heart. Then, let me know that He has affirmed this to you and you are ready to start this journey in the comments! Excited to see what God will do as we approach Him together in this way!!!

Happy New Year!

The King is Coming!!!

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1 Comment

Dawn Reeves
Jan 03, 2021

Yes! Yes! Yes! This is so affirming, Jena!

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