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What is He Talking About?

Have you heard someone rattling off something and you caught the last bit of the conversation? You try your best to figure out what is being talked about, but finally have to say, "What in the world are you talking about?!!!"

God stills speaks with us today and we need to learn and develop our listening skills. By doing that, we can hear Him clearly and obey Him fully, so that we can reign in life. Remember, that Proverbs means "to reign in life", and we can only do that if we are growing in wisdom. And wisdom is the applied Word of God. Reigning in life is solely dependent on our ability to listen!

Often people ask, "Well, what am I listening for?" We get a great indication of that through Creation. In Genesis, God spoke and it was. So, the things He spoke into existence are often the same things He wants to talk with us about! Why? Because He is re-creating Himself in you! So, He will use the same ways He created to re-create you!!!

God speaks to us today in these 6 ways, that we find in the Creation story:

  1. LIGHT: He doesn't want you in the dark about anything!!!

  2. ATMOSPHERE: He is creating an environment to which His Spirit can enter in and move.

  3. FOUNDATION: He is planting seeds of truth and purpose that are foundational for you to build your life upon.

  4. SEASONS: He wants you to know where He is working so that you can join Him.

  5. PROVISION: He wants fruitfulness coming from our lives, so He will speak provision so that you can be fruitful.

  6. CONNECTION: He speaks to you about the Kingdom and how you can bring His Kingdom to earth.

And then, God rested. He did not speak rest, He just did it. SO when He is not speaking, He may be calling you to rest.

SO, learn to listen to the Father as His daughter. Ask Him to reveal to you which of these 6 ways He is speaking to you, so that you can truly hear His heart and respond, so you can reign in life.

Get your copy of the FREE book, along with the companion DVD, and start your journey to freedom today! Subscribe to my blogs and to my new YouTube channel so that we can continue to live deeper together!

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