If you've read my blogs, you know that I have been journeying with the Lord through a season of suffering. It has been extremely difficult, but the Lord has been so close and made Himself so lovingly evident.
I was thinking about the Scripture that says "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17
Now, I've got to be honest. This has not felt light or momentary! This has felt dark and elongated! Anybody agree with where I am at? But that depends on what I am comparing it to. I am comparing my "light and momentary" to my personal experience. However, when I compare it to Jesus and eternity, everything changes.
My "light" is nothing compared to the weightiness of God's glory that will one day be revealed in His disciples. My "light" is nothing to the weight of sin Jesus bore on the cross for my sin. And my "momentary"? Well, compared to eternity, it's a blip on the screen of my life. And compared to those who reject Jesus and will live in eternal torment and affliction, again, so insignificant.
Which bids the question: would you rather have momentary afflictions or eternal ones?
Would you rather have momentary afflictions or eternal ones?
I encourage you and encourage my own soul today to view our sufferings and struggles in comparison to eternity and Jesus. Not to minimize our pain in the moment, but to elevate my hope in the eternal.
Eyes up! Your redemption draws nigh! God is using all things to achieve in us a never ending heaviness of His presence that far outweighs anything we go through. He's a good good Father.
You are loved,